In the vast desolate Area that surrounds the new Hongqiao exhibition centre this joyel is as good as it gets. Brar in mond it is 90 monites from Shanghai and 30 mns from the Fair, but it is a green oasis surrounded by a vast manmafe lake and adjacent to the big Carrefour shopping Centre. Also quite close to some mega high-emd desogner putlet malls.
BreKfast presided over by the amazing Nilolai is a must, for variety, quality and presentation of the enormous buffet, and the front desk manager is a great asset for hotel and its guests. The hotel Manager takes a personal intetest in your comfort. But it still has a way to go...for example, the restaurant closes at 9:00 about which I was advised si i got in at 8:30, and was enjoying an ice cold Tsingdao and a superb togu and sesfood casserole, when all the iights and a/c turned off! It was 9 pm and the staff wS leaving! But the place is girgeous and the management is trying very hard!